Meadow Sweet Baby Booties

booties 2015_08_09-01

Meadow Sweet Baby Booties

Match the Meadow Sweet Baby Dress here.

For 0-3 month size, use fingering weight yarn and US size 2/2.75 mm needles
For 6 month size, use fingering or sport weight yarn and US size 3/3.25 mm or US size 4/ 3.5 mm needles.

Work the Two-At-A-Time Toe-up Socks pattern to the point that you are ready to bind off the cuff. Note that even though this is technically a sock pattern, booties made using this pattern stay on very well and are difficult for a baby to kick off.

Row 1: *P1, yo, repeat from *to end of row (60 stitches)
Row 2: *P2, yo, repeat from * to end of row (90 stitches)
Row 3: *P10, yo, repeat from * to end of row (99 stitches)
Row 4: *P2tog, p2tog, yo, p2, yo, p2, yo, p1, yo, p2tog, p2tog, repeat from * to end of row.
Row 5: Knit
Row 6: Purl
Row 7: Purl
Row 8: *P2tog, p2tog, yo, p2, yo, p2, yo, p1, yo, p2tog, p2tog, repeat from * to end of row.
Row 9: Knit
Row 10: Purl
Row 11: Purl
Row 12: Knit
Row 13: Purl
Row 14: Knit
Row 15: Bind off purlwise.

Meadow Sweet Baby Bonnet

bonne t2015_08_09-01Meadow Sweet Baby Bonnet

Matching bonnet for Meadow Sweet Dress
Size: 0- 3 months
Around 16g of DK yarn
US 6 (4 mm) needles
4 row markers

Cast on 66sts
Place a row marker at the beginning and ending of this row.
Row 1-10: Knit.
Row 11: Knit
Row 12: Purl
Row 13: *K2tog, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, k1, yo, k1, yo, k2tog, k2tog, repeat from * to end
Row 14: Knit
These 4 rows form the pattern. Repeat rows 11-14 for 6 times more.
Row 39: K2tog, knit to end (65 stitches) Put a row marker at the beginning and end of this row.
Row 40: K2tog, knit to end (64 stitches)
Row 41: *K6, K2tog, repeat from * to end of row (56sts)
Row 42: Purl to end
Row 43: *K5, K2tog, repeat from * to end of row (48sts)
Row 44: Purl to end
Row 45: *K4, K2tog, repeat from * to end of row (40sts)
Row 46: Purl to end
Row 47: *K3, K2tog, repeat from * to end of row (32sts)
Row 48: Purl to end
Row 49: *K2, K2tog, repeat from * to end of row (24sts)
Row 50: Purl to end
Row 51: *K1, K2tog, repeat from * to end of row (16sts)
Row 52: Purl to end
Row 53: *K2tog, repeat from * to end of row (8sts
Row 54: Purl to end
Cut yarn (leaving a long ‘tail’ to use for sewing up). Draw the end through all stitches, pull up tightly. Match up the two inner row markers and seam from the back of the head to the markers. Remove markers. Darn away ends.

At left front, with right side facing, pick up 34 stitches along bottom edge of cap between the two remaining markers. Using chain cast on, cast on an additional 16 stitches for a total of 50 stitches.
Row 1: P1, k1 to last 6 stitches, p6.
Row 2: K6, *p1, k1, repeat from * to end of row.
Row 3: P1, k1 to last 6 stitches, p6.
Row 4: P6, *P1, k1, repeat from * to last 4 stitches, p2tog, yo, p1, k1.
Row 5: P1, k1 to last 6 stitches, p6.
Row 6: K6, *p1, k1, repeat from * to end of row.
Row 7: Bind off knit stitches knitwise and purl stitches purlwise.
Darn away ends. Attach button to the stockinette area of the band.

Bonnet for Little Miss Raelyn Rose Dress

Bonnet 2015_08_09-04Bonnet for Little Miss Raelyn Rose Dress

SKILL LEVEL: Beginner / intermediate

This is the matching bonnet for the Little Miss Raelyn Rose Baby Dress
0–3 (3–6, 6–12) months

Finished Measurements
Height: 6″ (6″, 7″) (15 [16.5, 18] cm)

DK or worsted weight yarn
US 6 (4 mm) straight needles

Yarn needle for finishing and attaching button

1 (” [1.5 cm]) button

22 sts and 28 rows make 4″ (10 cm) in stitch pattern


CO 68 (72, 76) sts.
Rows 1–7: Knit for 7 rows.
Row 8: Knit for 48 (52, 56) stitches, wrap, place marker, turn work.
Row 9: Knit for 28 (32, 34) stitches, wrap, place marker, turn work.
Row 10: Knit for 31 (36, 40) stitches, wrap, move marker, turn work.
Row 11: Knit for 36 (40, 44) stitches, wrap, move marker, turn work.
Row 12: Knit for 40 (44, 48) stitches, wrap, move marker, turn work.
Row 13: Knit for 44 (48, 52) stitches, wrap, move marker, turn work.
Row 14: Knit for 48 (52, 56) stitches, wrap, move marker, turn work.
Row 15: Knit for 52 (56, 60) stitches, wrap, move marker, turn work.
Row 16: Knit for 56 (60, 64) stitches, wrap, move marker, turn work.
Row 17: Knit for 60 (64, 68) stitches, wrap, move marker, turn work.
Row 18: Knit to end of row. Remove marker.

Row 20-25: *K1, p1; rep from * to end.
Row 26: (RS): *K2, p2; rep from * to end.
Row 27: (WS): *K2, p2; rep from * to end.
Row 28: *P2, k2; rep from * to end.
Row 29: *P2, k2; rep from * to end.
Rep Rows 26–29 until work measures 4″ (4.5″, 5″) (10 [12, 13) cm] from beg, ending with a WS row, and inc 4 (2, 0) sts evenly across last row—72 (74, 76) sts.


Row 30: (RS): K0 (1, 2), *ssk, k14, k2tog; rep from * 3 times, k0 (1, 2)—64 (66, 68) sts.
Row 31 and all odd rows (WS): Purl.
Row 32: K0 (1, 2), *ssk, k12, k2tog; rep from * 3 times, k0 (1, 2)—56 (58, 60) sts.
Row 34: K0 (1, 2), *ssk, k10, k2tog; rep from * 3 times, k0 (1, 2)—48 (50, 52) sts.
Row 36: K0 (1, 2), *sl2k, k8, k2tog; rep from * 3 times, k0 (1, 2)—40 (42, 44) sts.
Row 38: K0 (1, 2), *sl2k, k6, k2tog; rep from * 3 times, k0 (1, 2)—32 (34, 36) sts.
Row 40: K0 (1, 2), *sl2k, k4, k2tog; rep from * 3 times, k0 (1, 2)—24 (26, 28) sts.
Row 42: K0 (1, 2), *sl2k, k2, k2tog; rep from * 3 times, k0 (1, 2)—16 (18, 20) sts.
Row 44: *K2tog; rep from * to end—8 (9, 10) sts.
Break yarn, thread through rem sts, pull tight, and fasten off.

Stitch back seam of cap together. Weave in ends.

At left front, with wrong side facing, pick up 38 (40, 42) stitches along bottom edge of cap. Using chain cast on, cast on an additional 16 stitches for a total of 54 (56, 58) stitches.

Row 1: K1, p1 to last 6 stitches, k6.
Row 2: P6, *k1, p1, repeat from * to end of row.
Row 3: K1, p1 to last 6 stitches, k6.
Row 4: P6, *k1, p1, repeat from * to last 4 stitches, k2tog, yo, k1, p1.
Row 5: K1, p1 to last 6 stitches, k6.
Row 6: P6, *k1, p1, repeat from * to end of row.
Row 7: Bind off knit stitches knitwise and purl stitches purlwise.

Weave in ends, attach button.

Hulda Scarflet

IMG_0002_1Hulda Scarflet

1 skein Lion Brand “Vanna’s Choice,” Weight Medium/4, 3 oz/85 g, 145 yd/133 m, color: Denim Mist.
1 Circular needle size US8/5.0 mm
2 stitch markers (the # symbol in the pattern indicates where to place them.)

Using either long-tail or chain method, cast on 11 stitches.
Row 1: K1, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k3, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, k1. (13 stitches)
Row 2: P5, p3tog, p5 (11 stitches)
Row 3: K1, yo, k1, yo, k1, ssk, k1, k2tog, k1, yo, k1, yo, k1 (13 stitches)
Row 4: Purl.
Row 5: K1, yo, k1, yo, ssk, ssk, k1, k2tog, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, k1 (13 stitches)
Row 6: Purl.
Row 7: K1, yo, k1, yo, ssk, yo, ssk, k1, k2tog, yo, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, k1 (15 stitches)
Row 8: Purl.
Row 9: K1, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k1, ssk, #, yo, k1, yo, #, k2tog, k1, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, k1 (17 stitches)
Row 10: P7, k3, p7.
Row 11: (K1, yo) x2, ssk, k1, ssk, #, yo, knit to second #, yo, k2tog, k1, k2tog, (yo, k1) x2
Row 12: P7, #, knit to second #, p7.
Repeat rows 11 and 12 until scarflet measures 40 inches.

Count stitches (there will be an odd number), divide by 2. Using the “odd” stitch as the center point, place marker just to the right of the “odd stitch.”
Row 1: (Ssk, yo) to marker, knit center stitch, (yo k2tog) to end of row.
Row 2: Purl
Row 3: K1, *yo, ssk, repeat from * to #, k1, *K2 tog, yo, repeat from * until 1stitch remains, K1.
Row 4: Purl
Row 5: Bind off loosely.

Note: This pattern also makes a nice shawl. Keep knitting until the shawl is desired size and finish off.  (You will probably need about 3-4 skeins depending on the yarn you use. )